Automatic Laboratory Disc Mill
21. avril 2023
Automatic Laboratory Disc Mill
Automatic Laboratory Disc Mill
Simple, fast and safe
Sample preparation with a laboratory disc mill has been a proven method for decades. We have now made the job even easier for you! Enter the sample, grind it and remove the ground sample from the beaker. This eliminates the handling of heavy grinding vessels for you and your employees.
Use our TS 1000-A laboratory disc mill for fast, loss-free and reproducible fine comminution and homogenization of sample materials.
The video shows you how easy it is.
It goes even further – fully automatic!
You want to simplify your work even more? No problem! The TS 1000-A can be upgraded to a fully automatic sample grinding station via optional sample magazines. In this case, the operator only has to fill the magazine with samples to be ground and remove the ground samples from the magazine. Depending on the selected size of the magazines, the machine can be operated autonomously for longer periods of time.
Have we piqued your interest? Feel free to contact us, we will advise you!
Click here for more information.

Automatic Laboratory Disc Mill
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